Thursday, July 31, 2008

Robby Going To Camp.......

These are pictures Robby's mom took of him with his new hair cut. He is at camp this week. He is camping on the Oregon Coast at a special camp for kids. There are 4 counselors for 11 boys in his cabin. He is within walking distance of the beach. They also have a lake with a swimming area, sail boats and canoes. He will also get to sleep outdoors one night in a tee-pee! He is bunking with his friend Miller- so that will be fun for him. I am sure Robby will be having cell phone/texting withdrawals by the end of the week! NO cell phones allowed!!!
Robby with his dogs Gaston (yellow) and Tessa (rottweiler).............


Anonymous said...

Great pics of Robby! Thanks for sharing...That camp sounds wonderful!

Raimi said...

I bet he loves camp. I am sure he will survive a week w/out his phone-lol! The girls from church had girls camp a few weeks back & they could not bring cell phones or their ipods. They actually had a great time minus the modern day luxuries.

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cc Eve Fowler, 2008 Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.


Why do I blog?

I have never been one to keep a journal. I have never been able to write in a diary for more than a week! I have countless scrapbooks that still need to be journaled. I do this in hopes of becoming a better journalist. I do this to document everyday life. I do this so I don't have to scrapbook EVERY picture! I do this for me, our friends and family, & mostly the kids. One day they will have it all - because I took the time to document all the little things that REALLY do matter. Everyday life....all the little moments you & I can't remember because the memories are long gone.......