Tuesday, September 2, 2008


It was Jake's turn to take the class mascot home over the long weekend! Bananas the monkey! He had lots of fun with her. (He said she is a girl!) He brushed her teeth, combed her hair, changed her clothes, and even took her for a car ride. The child is suppose to take the stuffie wherever they go all weekend. However Jacob was afraid to get her dirty, wet, or lost. So Bananas spent most of her time in his bed!
He feed her a banana on her last night with us!

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cc Eve Fowler, 2008 Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.


Why do I blog?

I have never been one to keep a journal. I have never been able to write in a diary for more than a week! I have countless scrapbooks that still need to be journaled. I do this in hopes of becoming a better journalist. I do this to document everyday life. I do this so I don't have to scrapbook EVERY picture! I do this for me, our friends and family, & mostly the kids. One day they will have it all - because I took the time to document all the little things that REALLY do matter. Everyday life....all the little moments you & I can't remember because the memories are long gone.......