1. Where we go camping................ 2. Scroll stamp set..................... 3. Guitar Hero for Wii............... 4. Little notes from Jacob.............. 5. A movie with my NAME in it.............. {I have always had a name issue. I can't find my name on anything. You would think EVE right? No... no mugs, no keychains, no toothbrushes. You get my point right?} Happy Friday! What is your Favorite Five this week?
Thanks for sharing your FFF...love it! I know what you mean about the name thing. Although my name is fairly common...I usually don't find stuff with "Debby" on it...it's usually "Debbie".
You truly are ONE OF A KIND, EVE! (...in a great way!)
I have never been one to keep a journal. I have never been able to write in a diary for more than a week! I have countless scrapbooks that still need to be journaled. I do this in hopes of becoming a better journalist. I do this to document everyday life. I do this so I don't have to scrapbook EVERY picture! I do this for me, our friends and family, & mostly the kids. One day they will have it all - because I took the time to document all the little things that REALLY do matter. Everyday life....all the little moments you & I can't remember because the memories are long gone.......
Thanks for sharing your FFF...love it! I know what you mean about the name thing. Although my name is fairly common...I usually don't find stuff with "Debby" on it...it's usually "Debbie".
You truly are ONE OF A KIND, EVE!
(...in a great way!)
I have the same name problem. You have me beat with you name in the movies :). great FFF.
Wow Eve what a really neat project, thanks for stopping by and your encouraging comments.
You know...I thought I found your name today...but alas, it was Eva. Bummer. Love the pics of Guitar Hero. Gotta get one of you playing now! :-)
I really need to get back to doing this! I totally understand the name problem. Darn those Jennifers! LOL!
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